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Western Uganda


Lhuhwahwa Women project development association started in 2001 in Kasese (Western Uganda) with three members who had a vision to create self sustaining and healthy residents / citizens. Their mission was having a united responsible and hard working society that is self reliant / sustainable.  A total of 57 women have since joined the group to make their mission a reality. They carry out several activities to sustain their livelihoods like Agricultural Production of coffee, vanilla and other food crops, poultry keeping, piggery and micro-finance.


eastern Uganda


 Bufumbo is located in Mbale, the local commercial center of the eastern region, Green hills and high mountains offer the stunning backdrop to the farms of Bufumbo.


Bufumbo coffees come together through the efforts of the Bufumbo Organic Farmers Association, a group of farmers in the Bufumbo Village, Mbale District, Uganda.  The association has been in operation for nearly seventeen years, since 1997.  The cooperative was founded to improve the livelihoods of the people in this area, and to improve the farming methods, organic agricultural development and access to micro finance tools for individual farmers of Bufumbo.

Sarah is a farmer at the Bufumbo co-op.  Her family has been working in farming for three generations, and she is proud to do her work.  In the last five years she has been able to sell her coffee at a premium, and with the arrival of Origin coffee she is able to finally put her three kids through school.  The co-op is full of stories like Sarah's: we strive to create an equitable and sustainable business that can foster the coffee farming culture of Uganda.

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